Friday, July 19, 2019

The greatest sports films of all time

Top Sports Films Michael Volitich

This blog looks at some of the best sports movies based on the lives of famous athletes. Even though the directors may have taken some liberties with the stories, these films are nonetheless masterfully made and brilliantly done, and extremely entertaining and moving. Michael Volitich.

Rocky (1976)

One would be hard-pressed to find a greatest sports movies list without “Rocky” on it. One of the most inspirational films ever made, this John G. Avildsen movie is one of the first great underdog films of the modern era of cinema. This is also arguably Stallone’s best film. Michael Volitich

Raging Bull (1980)

As great as “Rocky” was, Martin Scorsese’s “Raging Bull” may have been better, if only for the grit and performance of the great Robert de Niro. Based on the life of slugger Jake LaMotta, “Raging Bull” showed just how human boxers are and how all their violence and hate, when released outside the ring, can cause catastrophic damage to everyone around them. Michael Volitich.

Rudy (1993)

Quite possibly the greatest football film ever produced, “Rudy” tells the story of Notre Dame football player Daniel ‘Rudy’ Ruettiger. Smaller than the rest, Rudy never stood a chance at making it to Notre Dame’s famed Fighting Irish football squad. But he never gave up. The film is a rollercoaster ride that takes our protagonist through trial after trial, which Rudy conquers. Michael Volitich

Friday, June 14, 2019

Which teams have the advantage these 2019 NBA playoffs?

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As of this writing, the 2019 NBA playoffs have just begun, and it’s promising to be a wild ride on the way to the Finals with sixteen hungry teams duking it out. But while defending champ Golden State is still the hands-down favorite this year, there are several formidable teams on both conferences that should give the Warriors a run for their money. Aspiring sports writer Michael Volitich lists down these top contenders.

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Houston Rockets

Arguably the second-best team in the West, the Rockets already took the Warriors to a Game 7 in last year’s conference finals. And there’s no reason to think they can’t beat Golden State if they meet again, especially with Chris Paul healthy and James Harden again posting MVP-like numbers. Center Clint Capela has also been a revelation in the post.

Boston Celtics

Despite the team’s inconsistency throughout the regular season, the Celtics still boasts of the most talented roster in the Eastern Conference. If Kyrie Irving manages to finally gel with other stars Jayson Tatum and Gordon Hayward, Boston should be on its way to another conference finals appearance.

Milwaukee Bucks

The Bucks held the best league record during the regular season and are thus guaranteed homecourt advantage throughout the playoffs. While it doesn’t have the star power of certain other teams, Milwaukee is the most cohesive and most committed to defense in the East. Giannis Antetokounmpo is unstoppable this year, too, and is likely to be crowned MVP.

Brooklyn Nets, San Antonio Spurs

Two wildcard teams that might just upset higher-seeded franchises are the Nets and the Spurs, adds Michael Volitich. Brooklyn barely managed to squeeze into the postseason but has already gotten an away-win over the Sixers, thanks to the stellar game of D’Angelo Russell. The Spurs have also beaten the second-seeded Nuggets in Denver, largely due to its teamplay and the talent of coach Popovich.

Michael Volitich is a Creative Writing student at the University of Florida. He likes to blog about books, sports movies, sports teams, and the lives of the greatest athletes. For more sports-related reads, go to this page.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Is the reign of the Golden State Warriors nearing its end?

Whether Golden State wins a third championship or not this season is not so much the dominant conversation surrounding the team as of late. For many, the Warriors are likely to three-peat, given its deep pool of talent. Instead, most thoughts are focused on whether the team will still continue its NBA dominance once the 2018-19 season is done, says sports buff Michael Volitich.

A lot of player contracts are in the air at the end of the season. Damian Jones and Shaun Livingston are destined for free agency if management decides it can do away with them after this year and lower its huge luxury-tax expenses. Former Finals MVP Andre Iguodala may just be on the same predicament, even with a guarantee to play until next season.

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But the bigger free agency issue come July has to do with most of Golden State’s key stars. Aside from its supporting cast of Jordan Bell, Kevon Looney, Jonas Jerebko, and Quinn Cook, also hitting free agency come July are Klay Thompson, DeMarcus Cousins, and Kevin Durant.

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Cousins re-signing is highly unlikely even if the Warriors do win another title, given enforced salary cap restrictions. But it’s in keeping Thompson and Durant that the future of the franchise lies. Simply put, the Warriors cannot rely solely on long-term-signed Steph Curry to carry the offensive load should the two other superstars leave.

Moreover, even if they do choose to stay, Curry, Thompson, and Durant are already nearing or at their 30s. Draymond Green will also begin to slow down in just several more years, as all four goes past their prime. But optimistically speaking, the best team in modern NBA do have several more years to go. Surely fans would be deeply disappointed if they do break up at this point, adds Michael Volitich. Warriors management should give keeping them together the top priority, with or without graffiti falling on the Bay Area this postseason.

Michael Volitich is a University of Florida Creative Writing student focusing on sports writing. He likes to write about various sports teams and popular players. Visit this blog for related posts.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Team LeBron or Team Giannis: Which won the All-Star Game draft?

The revamped All-Star Game drafting is made televised this year for the first time, and NBA fans watched as LeBron James and Giannis Antetokounmpo made their picks. James and the Greek Freak became the team captains of the respective squads because they topped the votes from media, fans, and coaches. But which composition turned out better? NBA fan and analyst Michael Volitich offers his two cents below.
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 James took Kevin Durant first for his Feb 17 team in the All-Star Game in Charlotte. Antetokounmpo took Stephen Curry. Both picks are members of the Golden Warriors. It was the second consecutive year LeBron took Durant as first pick. Alongside James and Durant, other players comprising Team LeBron’s starters are Kyrie Irving, Kawhi Leonard, and James Harden.

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Giannis picked Curry, Joel Embiid, Paul George, and hometown player Kemba Walker. In the second round, he took Bucks teammate Khris Middleton, Ben Simmons, Blake Griffin, D’Angelo Russell, Nicola Vucevic, and Kyle Lowry. LeBron picked Klay Thompson, Anthony Davis, Damian Lillard, Russell Westbrook, LaMarcus Aldridge, Karl-Anthony Towns, and Bradley Beal. Finally, James took friend Dwyane Wade while Antetokounmpo picked Dirk Nowitzki in the special third round of the pick to honor the two retiring players.

But which team is better? Obviously, James managed to get the better selection, despite trading Simmons for Westbrook in this first All-Star trade. Team LeBron’s starters are made up of four NBA champs and three league MVPs. Giannis’ team is significantly weaker and slower, despite being the taller five outside Curry. LeBron’s team is simply more explosive and is the hands-down winner, says Michael Volitich.

Creative Writing student Michael Volitich is finishing his degree at the University of Florida. He likes reading sports biographies and autobiographies as well as watching films that feature the intensity of athletic events. For more NBA-related reads, go to this page.

Monday, March 18, 2019

How to eat like a real backpacker and stay healthy

Backpacking takes a heavy toll on a person, especially if they’re just starting out on their year-long journey. This is why nutrition plays such an important role throughout the trip. Backpackers get to experience different types of meals as they move from one country to another. And as tempting as it is to walk into fancy restaurants every day, a backpacker’s budget simply cannot allow it.

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Still, a backpacker needs to stay healthy and have enough energy every day for activities and leisure. According to aspiring traveler Michael Volitich, here are some ways on how to eat like a backpacker while staying healthy.

Get lots of fruits in: Fruits are usually inexpensive, filling, and nutritious. They are great substitutes for snacks for travelers who find themselves hungry after a long hike or just walking around the city. Fruit shakes or fruit drinks are also better than sodas or sweet tea, or other convenient beverage that are usually offered to tourists.

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Stay in hostels with an open kitchen: Knowing what’s in your food is a good way of being aware of the nutritional value of what you eat. What’s even better than knowing is being able to control what you have for meals. According to Michael Volitich, this is one of the reasons why it’s such a great option to stay at a hostel with an open kitchen. You can easily save money by buying ingredients at a local market and cook your own healthy meals.

Granolas, nuts, berries, and oats: For hostels that don’t have kitchens, a good alternative is always having a bag of mixed granolas, nuts, berries, and oats handy. Just add milk, yogurt, or even soy milk into the mix and you can have a healthy meal in minutes.

Michael Volitich a creative writing student at the University of Florida who is also interested in traveling and literature. To read more about traveling, visit this blog.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Ways to best prepare for your first international trip

Planning your first trip overseas is exciting for sure, but it can also get quite stressful, especially if you are not familiar with the country and its culture. It helps immensely to be extra-prepared and make sure that all bases are covered. I’m assuming that you already have a destination in mind; allow me then to help you better get ready and guarantee that your trip is hassle- and hitch-free, and one worthy of being a life event on its own.

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The first Michael Volitich- advice is to do thorough research on the place. Learn as much as you can about the local customs, its people, the food, and any special cultural or religious aspects of the culture, so you don’t embarrass yourself or come across as insensitive.

Know how long you will stay in the country and how you will get there. This will dictate your expenses and your budget in general. Are you backpacking? Taking advantage of a budget flight or mileage benefits? Will you be there for a week or a month? Make an itinerary of your trip and ensure that that reservations and bookings are done in advance, so you’d have a good estimate of the amount of pocket money you’d bring. It’s of course much better to transact electronically, but don’t just rely on credit cards.

It goes without saying that you’d need to secure a passport. Sometimes this itself isn’t easy, especially if you haven’t yet collated the documents needed to get one, from your birth certificate, citizenship, and even a lapsed previous passport. A Michael Volitich lesson for all of you: Apply way ahead at a passport agency as the processing line can at times take long.

Finally, apply for a visa if your country of destination requires one. You cannot legally enter a country that requires a visa from your own to travel to. Make sure you apply for the correct one, too; you either would need a student visa, work visa, or a fixed-term visit one.

Hi there. I’m Michael Volitich, a Creative Writing student, lit geek, film buff, and occasional traveler. I’m currently studying at the University of Florida. For more of my writings and my interests, drop by this blog.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Backpacking tips: How to save money on flights

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If you’re planning on going backpacking, you have to understand that saving every dollar possible can extend your trip by weeks, maybe even months. In fact, for long-term backpacking, the biggest expense you’ll probably have are flight tickets. The rest of your budget you can allocate to hostels, food, sight-seeing, and other expenses. If you want to save money on flights, here are some tips to follow.

Use several websites

Aside from airline carriers’ websites, you should also check out those that compile airline ticket data and compare them with each other. If your trip is several months away, set up an alert to let you know if the prices are increasing or going down.

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Be flexible

Prices go up or down by a lot if you adjust the dates. For example, some flights cost more if you leave during the weekend or on a Friday. Sometimes, you just have to leave a day earlier than what you planned or stay two days longer to save hundreds of dollars.

This rule also applies to the airports. Direct flights to major hubs can be expensive. Try looking for airports near your destinations. For example, if you’re going to Tokyo, direct flights are expensive. However, you can enter through Narita or Osaka, then take a train to Tokyo. Not only will you save money; you also get to see more of Japan.

Use your miles

If you happen to be using a credit card that earns points convertible to airline miles, then, by all means, use it. Airlines would rather have someone occupy their seats and pay with miles than leave the seat empty.

Hello, I’m Michael Volitich. As a Creative Writing student focusing on sports writing, I need to find ways to better communicate what happens during a game to the people who will read my write-ups. To read more about traveling, visit this webpage.