Thursday, December 6, 2018

What Jimmy Butler brings to the Sixers

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Finally, the drama surrounding Jimmy Butler and the Minnesota Timberwolves is over, with the Wolves trading Butler recently to the Sixers in exchange for Dario Saric, Robert Covington, and a future draft pick. While this allows Minnesota to now focus on developing Anthony-Towns and Wiggins, it’s the Sixers that will immediately benefit more.

For one, Butler’s feisty attitude and gutsy play suit the tandem of Joel Embiid and Ben Simmons. He can likewise provide a consistent third option on offense, as well as clutch shooting and sound late-game decisions. Everyone in the NBA knows that Simmons’ weakness is his lack of an outside shot; Butler addresses this need, allowing better spacing for the Aussie star to drive the lane and pass to open shooters like Redick.

Butler’s first game in a Philly uniform was not bad, but it was on the road, and the team gave up a sizable lead in the fourth on its way to losing against Orlando. In the succeeding game, now in Philly, he netted 28 points on an impressive 12-of-15 shooting clip and led the Sixers to a close victory over the Jazz.

What’s promising about how this game turned out was that Butler didn’t seem to impede the play of the team’s other two stars, with Embiid getting 23 points and Simmons almost recording a triple-double. Yes, it’s still too early to say exactly how much of an impact Butler will have, as the team has yet to play top-seeded teams in both conferences with him around. But it’s plain to see that “the process” seems more realized with him around.

Hello, Michael Volitich here, a University of Florida creative writing student and a huge lover of literature, films, sports, and travel. Check out this blog for similar reads.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Difficulties you might experience while surfing

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Surfing is one of those sports that looks easy if you’re watching it from a computer screen or from a distance. But when you try it out for yourself, you’ll experience first-hand just how hard surfing is. It’s only natural to fail several times given the condition you are put in. However difficult it may be, it does not compare to the feeling of catching your first wave. Here are some difficulties you might experience while surfing for the first time.

Unbalanced board: Water is not the most stable surface on the planet. Learning to balance your board as you paddle takes a while to get used to. Even if you’re just lying chest down on the board, even a small wave could easily force you to lose balance and topple over.

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Tired arms from paddling: Your arms receive quite a bit of punishment during surfing. Paddling can get tiring at the beginning, but it’s not only that. We also use our arms to push up when standing while catching a wave. We also use them to hang tightly to our board if a big wave comes along.

Strong winds: Water isn’t the only factor that’s unpredictable in surfing. The wind can shift the direction of the waves, as well as affect how they break. Perfect waves don’t stay for too long. When the wind is strong, expect waves to get messy so don’t get frustrated.

Standing up: Think about it, you will be attempting to stand up on a flat surface floating in the sea while it’s in motion. Learn to stand up slowly and with limited movements then improve from there. Too much motion throws you off balance and off your board.

Hello, I’m Michael Volitich. As a Creative Writing student focusing on sports writing, I need to find ways to better communicate what happens during a game to the people who will read my write-ups. For more on my hobbies and interests, visit this page.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Why traveling is the best part about retirement

One of the things I find myself daydreaming about at work is going on an adventure in a faraway land, not unlike those found in Indiana Jones or Allan Quatermain movies.  But right now, I know I can’t afford the trip, paying off my student loans and all.  I know I’ll be able to do it someday.

I got to thinking about my grandparents who took that European trip last year, and I was happier for them than they were.  If you love to travel and you’re nearing your retirement, it’s best to save up for a trip or two. 

A few years ago, I saw how bored grandpa was staying at home all the time, and that made him kind of a grumpy pop.  Grandma, on the other hand, had her “bridge” friends to keep her company.  Then mom and dad suggested they go to the Grand Canyon, which they did.  Gramps enjoyed it a lot, and after that, traveling became a yearly thing for them. 

You see, retirement is a time for you to do anything you want (as long of course, as you’ve saved up for it).  And there’s no better way to spend your hard-earned money than to visit places you’ve always wanted to visit.  In a way, retirement is the fulfillment of that dream, and probably the best thing you can do with all the time you have. 

I’m Michael Volitich, a lover of sports and travel. Follow me on Twitter to learn more about me and the stuff I love.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Best Gators Currently In The Nba

The Florida Gators are presently well-represented in the NBA. There is a handful of elite basketball players who call the University of Florida their alma mater, such as those discussed below.

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Joakin Noah

Joakim Noah, a pivotal player during the Gators’ two-year championship run in 2006 and 2007 and 2014 NBA Defensive Player of the Year, would have been included in this list. However, his time in the professional league is currently in limbo as injuries, and off-court issues have derailed his once-promising career.

Al Horford

Noah’s partner in the paint during his time in Florida was Al Horford, the third overall pick of the 2007 NBA Draft. His statistical production may not show it, but the Dominican native has been one of the best big men for much of the past decade. He was one of the major reasons Atlanta Hawks were at the top of the Eastern Conference during the first half of 2010. Currently, he is playing for the championship-contending Boston Celtics.

Bradley Beal

Beal played just one year in college, but even during his brief time in Florida, he won the hearts of many Gators fans because of his scoring prowess. He has had no problem translating his offensive skills to the professional level, where he has joined forces with John Wall to form a dreaded backcourt combo for the Washington Wizards.

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Michael Volitich here, a University of Florida creative writing student and a huge fan of the Gators teams. Read more about them by subscribing to my blog.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Beckenbauer, the Kaiser of German football

The football greats of the ‘60s and ‘70s were the prototypes of the footballers we all see today. Guys like Pele and Johann Cruyff revolutionized their positions in ways that have never been done before. However, there is one player who not only changed the way a position was played. He was responsible for the creation of an entirely new, dynamic, ‘hybrid’ position that nobody had ever seen, and no footballer had ever tried before. 

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The man was Franz Beckenbauer. The position was the “sweeper.” 

Beckenbauer is the sort of footballer you’d want leading your team -- unwavering, innovative, and most of all, responsible. He was both a defensive master and an amazing playmaker. With his talents, he experimented playing at center midfield and dropping back down to allow himself to help on the defensive end. Then when his team gained possession, he would go back up the pitch, all the way to center midfield and even further to forward position. 

Beckenbauer facilitated team movement on almost the entire length of the pitch, leading the charge in almost all positions. This new role was adopted later on by many teams to much success. 

Every sweeper in the game today owe their position to Franz Beckenbauer, German football’s one and only Kaiser. 

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Michael Volitich is a Creative Writing student from the University of Florida. He loves reading and writing about sports and sports biographies. Visit this blog for more posts on sports and athletes.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The One Place Michael Jordan Wasn’t a Hit

When people hear the name Michael Jordan, they immediately think of the greatest basketball player to ever play the game. They think of the Bulls dynasty, the six rings, all the MVPs, the game-winning plays, the high-flying dunks, the unstoppable fadeaway jumpers, and the immensely popular Nike line of sneakers.

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But there is a period not often spoken of in the life of MJ that fans would rather forget – the time between his first and second three-peats with the Bulls when he retired from basketball and went on to play baseball.

It was his late father’s dream, Jordan said. And so, he signed on to play with the Chicago White Sox in the minors. In March 1994, baseball training began for basketball’s greatest in Sarasota, Florida. He was then allowed to play for a lower league, suiting up for the Birmingham Barons, a team owned by the Chicago Bulls. Jordan batted .202 and had three home runs. He also batted 51 runs and stole 30 bases, while striking out 114 times and having 11 errors.

Next up for Jordan would be a stint with the Scottsdale Scorpions in the Arizona Fall League, where he was a bit more successful at-bat with .252. But that was about it.

Maybe he was tired of being mediocre. Or maybe he just missed the game. Whatever it was, MJ returned during the MLB strike and added to his legacy by winning three more NBA titles.

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Michael Volitich is a Creative Writing student at the University of Florida. He is a lit geek, sports writer and fanatic, and a film buff. Visit his blog for more film-related posts.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Traveling Within Your Means

Traveling seems to be on the rise, with cheaper airfare and lodging options. More and more individuals are getting on planes, trains, boats, motorcycles, and just about any form of transportation to live their best lives now. If these things aren’t planned out well, one could be drowning in debt than swimming in white sand beaches.

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The best thing to do to enjoy traveling is to save up for it. You are traveling well within your means if you have a savings plan for all your expenses before and during the trip. Allocating money for your future trips can ensure you of a journey that’s inexpensive and with zero debt. 

Living within your means can afford you that trip you’ve been dreaming of as you are spending less on daily expenses and allocating more money on investments and other savings. The time you spend saving up could also disguise as your season to look for the best deals for your money’s worth. Remember, you can always save up for the things you can’t afford now. 

Traveling can either be cheap or expensive. It only becomes costly if you don’t have the budget for it. There really isn’t an affordable, economical trip. Sure, you can get discounts and freebies with the best deals. To travel within your means signifies that you have a means to do it. Not saving for it might only afford you years of debt. While the world offers individuals many beautiful sights to see, it would be best to set one’s goals for a secure future. Put off that trip first and plan things out thoroughly. 

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Michael Volitich is a Creative Writing student, sports writer and fanatic, lit geek, film buff, and occasional traveler. He is currently enrolled at the University of Florida. For similar updates, click here.